The Real Estate Investing Blog

Here you will find tips on how to invest in real estate, why real estate investing can be more profitable than other investments, how to invest in real estate with little or no money, how to buy your first rental property, and much more!

How To Start Investing With $10,000 Or Less!

How To Start Investing With $10,000 Or Less!

Do you want to learn how to start to investing with only $10,000 or less? In this video, Tony Stephan is going to show you step-by-step exactly where and how to start investing if you only have $10,000 or less. By the end of the video, you'll have all the information...

Why I Love Owning Single-Family Rental Properties

Why I Love Owning Single-Family Rental Properties

I keep seeing these ads that say "Don't invest in single-family rental properties!" Well, I hate absolutes for ANYTHING. Listen, my wife and I own both apartments and single-family rental properties ... everything from houses to 16-unit complexes. We own 71 units with...

How We Grow Our Wealth In Real Estate

How We Grow Our Wealth In Real Estate

It's no secret that Real Estate investing is one of the BEST ways to build wealth. My wife and I utilize real estate to grow our wealth via 4 ways: 1. Cash flow 2. Debt as leverage 3. Tax benefits 4. Appreciation / forced value creation Forced value and appreciation...

How To Get The Money To Invest In Real Estate

How To Get The Money To Invest In Real Estate

One of the most COMMON questions I get in my DM's is "I want to get into real estate investing, but I don't have any money ... How can I get the money to invest in real estate?" Full warning ... I'm about to go on a RANT, but I promise if you actually listen to me,...

Why You Need Money (A Lot of It!)

Why You Need Money (A Lot of It!)

I've been without power for an entire week. Some crazy ice storm knocked out over 500,000 people's power in Michigan, and we were one of the most severely affected areas. This happened when I was a kid once. We lost power for several days. My family and I had to sit...

6 Keys to a Successful Online Coaching Business

6 Keys to a Successful Online Coaching Business

If I had to start my online coaching business over again, here’s what I would do: 1. I’d start by giving away my BEST INFORMATION for FREE on social media. If people don’t know, like, and trust you, they won’t do business with you. I’d pick one platform and go ALL IN...