The Real Estate Investing Blog

Here you will find tips on how to invest in real estate, why real estate investing can be more profitable than other investments, how to invest in real estate with little or no money, how to buy your first rental property, and much more!

What Is a Better Investment – Condo vs. Townhouse

What Is a Better Investment – Condo vs. Townhouse

Many people use the terms ‘condo’ and ‘townhouse’ interchangeably. While they do have many similarities, they are actually different types of real estate. Either one can be a great choice for your primary residence or even an investment property. But, how can you tell...

How to Build Your Real Estate Investment Portfolio

How to Build Your Real Estate Investment Portfolio

A real estate investment portfolio can include anything from a single-family home to a 50-unit apartment building or more, plus everything in between. But, how exactly do you start from nothing and create a portfolio that provides passive income and even wealth? We’re...

Single Family vs. Multi-Family Real Estate Investing

Single Family vs. Multi-Family Real Estate Investing

Are you looking to build wealth through real estate investing in 2022? If so, congratulations! You’ve made an important decision that will not only allow you to start growing passive income now, but could also help you even achieve financial freedom. But, before you...

6 Reasons to Invest in Real Estate vs. a 401k

6 Reasons to Invest in Real Estate vs. a 401k

Whether you’re looking for short-term gain or long-term profit, investing is a great way to do both. But, what exactly do you invest in? While there are many options, I personally prefer to invest in real estate vs. a 401k … partly because I’m an entrepreneur but also...

How to Buy Your First Rental Property In 6 Easy Steps

How to Buy Your First Rental Property In 6 Easy Steps

If you’re looking to learn how to buy your first rental property, congratulations! Real estate investing is exciting and can be an excellent way to grow your passive income. In order to open the right doors and get you off on the right foot, however, there are some...

How to Invest In Real Estate With Little Money

How to Invest In Real Estate With Little Money

Are you interested in learning how to invest in real estate with little money down? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we’re going to lay the groundwork for exactly how to purchase your first real estate investment, even if you don’t have a lot of money to start...