One Small Apartment Deal Can Change Your Life


I want to tell you about a small apartment deal that changed everything for me. Because here’s the truth—apartments aren’t valued like houses. They’re valued like businesses.

And if you know how to find what I call a “strategic value add” real estate deal, and you understand how to force appreciation, you can make serious money fast.

Now, maybe you’re skeptical. Maybe you’re thinking, “Can I really do this?” It’s natural to have doubts, concerns, and questions, especially if you’re just starting out with real estate investing.

Trust me—you CAN do it. That is, if you have the right blueprint to follow.

My First Ever Apartment Deal … And How It Paid Off BIG

When I bought my first apartment building, I had no idea what I was doing. I was a new real estate investor and knew that there was so much more that I needed to learn in order to be successful long-term.

But that didn’t stop me from taking ACTION.

And guess what?

Even though I didn’t know everything, I still hit a home run.

Here’s exactly what happened:

  • I found a 7-unit apartment deal listed on the MLS for $660,000.
  • I had saved $132,000 from my online business. That’s the starting capital I used for the down payment on the property.
  • The building was in a great area in Metro Detroit, but the rents were way below market—tenants were paying $700/month, while I knew they should be closer to $1,100/month.
  • Using the cash flow from the property, we made minor updates to the units as tenants moved out.
  • As new tenants moved into the freshly renovated units, we raised rents to market value—$1,100 per unit.

One year later, I went back to the bank and showed them the updated rent roll and improvements. The building was appraised for $1 million!

I did a cash-out refinance and walked away with a check for $250,000—tax-free.

And the best part? I still own that 7-unit today. It continues to generate cash flow, offer tax benefits, and build long-term wealth for me.

What Could a Small Apartment Deal Mean for YOU?

I’m not sharing this experience to boast or impress you. Rather, I’m sharing this to let you know that an apartment deal like this could be YOUR experience, too.

There are deals like this out there right now—but you need to know how to find them and how to execute the right strategy.

So, let me ask you:

  • What could owning a small apartment deal do for your financial future?
  • What would you do with an extra $250,000 (or more) TAX-FREE in your bank account?
  • How much better would your life be with consistent monthly cash flow AND tax write-offs?
  • And finally—imagine being able to travel when, where, and with whom you want … but having it all paid for by your cash-flowing assets!

This isn’t just a dream … I’m living proof that it’s absolutely possible that just one apartment deal could change your life trajectory forever!

But first things first …

How to Get Started with Multifamily Real Estate Investing

What’s the best way to get started with multifamily real estate investing in Michigan or anywhere else?

Learn from someone who’s already done it.

Learn exactly why you NEED to close one small apartment deal this year here:

People are already loving my new video and proving that the blueprint I’ve been using WORKS … and not just for me!

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If you know you’re ready to buy your first multifamily apartment deal this year but need help getting started, let’s figure out how to make it happen. You can start by getting a FREE copy of my Multifamily BRRRR Method blueprint.

Or, reach out to our Stephan Group Real Estate team if you’re looking to invest in Michigan real estate.

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